lunedì 17 dicembre 2012


Filosofia d'alta quota's meetings try to involve graduate and PhD students, scholars, independent researchers from different fields of philosophy and aim at opening their researches towards new directions within an interdisciplinary context.

An open selection of the papers will be evaluated by a Scientific Committee composed by: Prof. Luca Fonnesu (Università degli Studi di Pavia), Prof. Angelo Lascioli (Università di Verona), Dott. Andrea Capra (Università degli Studi di Milano), Dott.ssa Francesca Pasquali (Università degli Studi di Milano), Dott. Nicola Riva (Università degli Studi di Milano), Dott.ssa Beatrice Magni (Università degli Studi di Milano), Dott. Giovanni Raimo (Assegnista post-doc DAAD, Berlino), Dott. Francesco Tava (CTS – Centrum pro Teoretická Studia, Karlova Univerzita, Praga), Prof. Sergio Filippo Magni (Univeristà degli Studi di Pavia)..

The 2013 annual meeting focuses on the theme:

Limits and Freedom: Human Condition, Knowledge and Action suspended between two Absolutes

The papers presented can deal with the following issues:

1.    The role of limits and freedom within knowledge and human action.
2.    Binds’ ability to stimulate the decisional and cognitive process.
3.    The fruitful role of constrictions and the negative one of possibility.
4.    The peculiarity of human condition suspended between necessity and freedom.

√ Deadline for the presentation of Abstracts (in Italian or English): May 31st, 2013

√ Abstracts should be sent by email to:

√ Application form must include a title, 3-5 keywords, an abstract (max: 500 words) which briefly outlines the main topic of the paper (referring to one of the four points outlined above) and its main conclusions. In addition, the author will send her/his own CV (2000 words).

Authors of abstracts submitted by May 31st 2013, will receive the notification of the committee’s results by July 1st 2013.
The authors selected will be asked to present a paper along the conference and in a second moment they should submit their contributes to our committee for a possible  publication on LPF (The Comparative Politics and Public Philosophy Lab) of Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione "Luigi Einaudi" – Torino (

• Languages
Italian, English

• Information & abstract submission

The conference will take place from Thursday 12 to Friday 13 September 2013 in Breno (Brescia, Italy), in the historic building of Palazzo della Cultura.

For additional information and news:

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